Sunshine Sugar - Manufacturing and Distributing Sugar and Related Products 
Sunshine Sugar


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  5. Mission

Quality Sugar Products 

We aim to forge long-term relationships with our customers and suppliers, through excellence, quality Sugar Products and respect and gratitude towards our supporting customer base.

Sustainable Sugar Industry

To contribute to the development of a Sugar Industry that is efficient, competitive and sustainable, in alliance with our strategic partners.

Creating modern technology and capable human resources to develop and grow this sector, producing quality sugar and bi-products, and obtaining significant market share and support the nation’s economy beyond satisfying domestic demand.

Quality objectives are designed with a view to enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
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We strive to be

  • A good corporate citizen and to fulfill our social responsibilities.
  • Commitment to building a Safe and Environmentally friendly workplace.
  • We ensure continuous improvement in quality and productivity through the effective implementation of Quality Management Systems.
  • Be a responsible employer taking care of our employees and their well-being.
  • We aim to build a harmonious working environment conducive to team performance and development.
  • We value the relationships with our customers and partners and strive to create a harmonious environment, conducive to partnerships and team performance.
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